

12/2016: A link to my podcast with Platts discussing the impact of Trump's victory on U.S. Biofuels.

2/2016: A link to my radio segment with NPR discussing Sen. Ted Cruz's victory at the Iowa Caucus. 

11/2015: A link to my hour-long talk on the Diane Rehm Show on NPR discussing the Paris Climate Agreement


Select Quotes


12/2016: Tim Cheung on RGGI in Carbon Pulse (paywall).

11/2016: Tim Cheung on RGGI in BNA.

11/2016: Tim Cheung on Trump and RFS in Agri-Pulse.

11/2016: Tim Cheung on RFS in Reuters.

11/2016: Tim Cheung on Presidential Election and RFS in Reuters.

9/2016: Tim Cheung on Trump and RFS in Bloomberg (paywall).

7/2016: Tim Cheung on RINs in Reuters.

5/2016: Tim Cheung on RGGI in BNA.

5/2016: Tim Cheung on Paris Climate Agreement in EENews (paywall).

3/2016: Tim Cheung on RGGI in Carbon Pulse.

2/2016: Tim Cheung on GOP Primaries in the Wall Street Journal (paywall).

1/2016: Tim Cheung on Ethanol in DTN.

12/2015: Tim Cheung on Cellulosic Biofuels in Platts.

11/2015: Tim Cheung on RFS in Bloomberg (paywall).

6/2015: Tim Cheung on RFS in Chicago Business.

3/2015: Tim Cheung on Advanced Biofuels in Platts.

2/2015: Tim Cheung on RFS in Morning Consult.

11/2014: Tim Cheung on RINs in Bloomberg (paywall).

9/2014: Tim Cheung on Advanced Biofuels in the Washington Examiner.

4/2013: Tim Cheung on RFS in Bloomberg via AgWeb.

12/2009: Tim Cheung on RGGI in Reuters.

12/2009: Tim Cheung on RGGI in Greenwire via New York Times.