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Posts tagged productivity
My Mindful Commute

Here's what I love about my commute: I have nothing to do, and nothing to think. I'm free to let my mind wander. I can observe my surroundings. I can observe people. One thing that is apparent to me is just how many people are on their phones or have headphones in. Most of the time, I would say at least 50% of commuters are occupied by their phones. Try not using your phone for a week, or a day; I'm sure you will notice it, too.

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Take Back Your Time

Notifications steal my attention, time, and productivity. There are direct notifications like desktop alerts in Outlook (e.g. email, appointment reminders) or more subtle ones like badge icons on your mobile device (e.g. unread text messages). If you're anything like me, you like have clean inboxes - email, texts, app updates, etc. These notifications can at times distract the hell out of me. Rather than develop the discipline to ignore them, I programmed them out of my life.

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To Do Lists are So Hot Right Now

Sometimes I feel like there are an infinite number of tasks that I must complete. By creating a list, I can shrink the infinite into a manageable set of things to do. They help me stay focused, and they help me prioritize. Whenever I start day dreaming about lofty goals, or fall down a rabbit hole of "what-if's," I refer back to my list.

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